Comunidad Latam
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» Socios 393
The emerging market fintech investor.
Velem Ventures
We exist to help top notch startups and entrepreneurs
VELT Partners
Meritocratic partnership fully dedicated to long-term equity investing in Brazil
Venezuela Sin Limites
Es el momento de ayudar y recibir ayuda.
Village Capital
We’re reinventing the system to back the entrepreneurs of the future.
Por una Latinoamérica próspera, equitativa y sostenible
Volpe Capital
A new approach to Latin American technology investment
Vox Capital
VOX Capital pioneered its way of investing in Brazil
Consultoría estratégica en marketing y comunicación sostenible
Wayra Hispam
Wayra: más negocio entre startups y Telefónica Movistar
We Make Change
Connecting skilled volunteers with Social Enterprises changing the world